Richmond Animal Care Moodle 2

ACM20117 - Certificate II in Animal Studies

Smart and Skilled

This course is on the NSW skills list. Students in NSW may be eligible for a Government subsidised price.

RPL Available

Speed up your qualification using previous credit and experience. Click Here for more information

Work Placement

This course has work placement. Check the requirements and FAQs for more information.

Course description

This course is for people wanting to explore careers working with animals. It is an entry level course to prepare you for jobs such as an animal care attendant in a kennel, a cattery, animal rescue shelter or pet shop.

On completion, not only will you have gained specific animal care and handling skills, but you will have improved your ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and colleagues about individual animal's requirements.

If you find this course sparks higher-level career aspirations, you can continue on into the TAFE Digital Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, which will allow you to progress to become a Vet Nurse. Other pathways include higher level qualifications which can lead to occupations like zookeeper, professional dog trainer, veterinary sales representative or animal lab technician.

Units of study

Core Units

All units must be completed

Unit Code Unit Name
ACMGAS201 Work in the Animal Care Industry
ACMGAS202 Participate in workplace communications
ACMGAS203 Complete Animal Care Hygiene Routines
ACMGAS204 Feed and Water Animals
ACMGAS205 Assist in Health Care of Animals
ACMGAS206 Provide basic first aid for animals
ACMSUS201 Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
ACMWHS201 Participate in workplace health and safety processes

Elective Units

4 units must be completed:

Unit Code Unit Name
ACMGAS207 Provide Reception Services for an Animal Care Facility
ACMGAS208 Source Information for Animal Care Needs
ACMGAS209 Provide Information on Companion Animals, Products and Services
ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal care work
ACMSPE302 Provide basic care of birds
ACMSPE304 Provide basic care of dogs
ACMSPE305 Provide basic care of domestic cats
ACMSPE307 Provide basic care of freshwater fish


  • You are required to complete a minimum 140hrs of paid employment or volunteer work in a workplace in order to complete the practical aspects of the course.
  • You will need to be reasonably physically fit to undertake the work placement as the tasks and activities associated with the work placement involve handling animals and may involve manual lifting.
  • The workplace you select must provide a range of services to various animal species. Suitable workplaces include: kennels, animal shelters, grooming parlours, veterinary practices, and animal hospitals. The work placement kit provides information on organising your work placement.
  • Assessment events for this course will require verification that you can perform tasks to the required standard by your workplace supervisor.
  • You will also need to video certain practical tasks so will need access to a digital video recording device and/or a digital camera and associated software to save and upload video and image files. Many mobile phones and smart phones include this technology.

Frequently Asked Questions

All Items

Generic FAQs

ACM20117 specific FAQs

Before gaining entry to a course, why do I need a Unique Student Identifier (USI)? How do I obtain one?

All students are required to have a USI, before their enrolment is confirmed. If you have not created your USI and are intending to study, you should create your free USI now. Get more information by visiting You will need to have proof of your identity to complete the process. Once you have a USI you will have a secure online record of your nationally recognised training which you can access anytime and anywhere. If you have any questions, or need assistance creating your USI, please contact TAFE Digital by phone or chat.

What qualifications or experience are recommended to meet the course's entry requirements?

You will need Year 10 or equivalent OR relevant qualifications OR relevant vocational experience.
To register your interest in the course you will need to organise work experience, providing a letter from a relevant business or organisation stating that you are undertaking a minimum of 4 hours a week of paid employment or volunteer work. This is necessary to complete the practical aspects of the course. The letter just needs to state that the facility will be taking

for 4 hours of voluntary/paid work on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Please ask for this on letterhead.

Will I need to buy any text books or other equipment for this course?

No, but you also have the option of paying a small fee if you would prefer to be sent a printed workbook. You can order a workbook through our TAFE Digital Book Store.

At a minimum, what software do I require for my course?

You don't have to be a computer whiz to succeed in online learning, but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and email, chatting to your teachers or others online, reading course content online, using common software and performing other basic tasks.

Minimum software specifications for your course are:

  • Microsoft Office or equivalent (free download for TAFE NSW enrolled students)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
  • Adobe Flash Player (free download)
  • Up-to-date internet browser

At a minimum, what computer skills do I require for my course?

You don't have to be a computer whiz to succeed in online learning, but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and email, chatting to your teachers or others online, reading course content online, using common software and performing other basic tasks.

Minimum specifications for your computer are:

  • Microsoft Windows 7, or later, or Mac OS X or above

You may also need access to:

  • A printer/scanner to print and scan documents for uploading.
  • A smart phone or digital video so that you can video practical tasks for some courses

Can I do my work placement in my workplace? What if I live on a farm?

Yes, you can do work placement at your current workplace. Unfortunately, owning or living on a farm does not count for work placement hours as you must have a workplace supervisor with a relevant animal studies qualification to sign off your assessment tasks.

How will I contact TAFE Digital if I'm having a problem? How long will it take to get a response?

If you are having trouble accessing your course resources or navigating the TAFE Digital website after enrolling, you should contact one of our Customer Help Officers on 1300 823 366. They are available Monday to Thursday 8am to 8pm and 8am to 5pm on Fridays.
If your query is specific to a unit you are studying and requires a subject matter expert, you should contact your unit facilitator. Their contact details are located on every unit. You should make contact via email. If you require over the phone support and appointment can be requested.

Is work placement a requirement of this course?

You will need to do 4 hours per week of work placement, and consistently turning up each week. If you are unable to attend due to sickness you will need to ring and let the workplace know. See question 1 regarding confirming your work placement.

Is there tutor support available after hours?

TAFE Digital has teamed up with the national service Studiosity, to offer students live online help with things like essay and report writing, study skills and referencing. You can make contact with a tutor from 3pm to 11pm Sunday to Friday, via your Moodle course page or drop off a writing file and receive feedback in less than 24 hours. Watch this short, informative video for more information.
This service is additional to the specific subject help that your unit facilitator can provide.

Is this course available through TAFE Digital as a traineeship? How do I go about securing a traineeship?

Yes, you can combine work and study as a trainee. There are several ways to gain a traineeship:

  • Approach employers you would like to work for directly and let them know of your availability for a traineeship. You can telephone, email or visit them.
  • You should also approach large organisations that you know offer traineeships (or example large energy companies a government transport company like rail or bus.
  • Look for job vacancies in your local and state newspapers as well as on major job boards.
  • Many people get traineeship offers from employers they are already doing a part-time job for.

How will I access extra course resources or talk to a librarian?

If you want make contact with a TAFE Digital librarian to access further course resources, go to Then type in your reference query. A librarian on chat will show you how to search the library catalogue and how to use our specialised subject guides to find extra information for assessments.

On completion of this course, what is the pathway to further study?

TAFE Digital offers the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing ACM40412, which takes your knowledge of animals a lot further and will set you on the path to becoming a veterinary nurse in private practice or in an animal welfare organisation.

How will I send in my assessment tasks?

Once you enrol you will work from the learning platform of our website. Your course information will tell you what assessment events you are required to and provide instructions on how to upload them so your assessor gets them. If you are asked to send video or audio evidence for an assessment you can upload it to YouTube, Vimeo or DropBox and just upload the URL to the course website so we know where to look.

What will this course qualify me to do and what type of jobs will I be able to get? What is the future outlook like for jobs in this field?

This course is for people wanting to explore careers working with animals. It is an entry level course to prepare you for jobs such as an animal care attendant in a kennel, a cattery, animal rescue shelter or pet shop.
Possible job titles include; animal care attendant, animal shelter attendant, kennel hand, cattery attendant, pet shop attendant and assistant dog groomer.
The Australian Government's Jobs Outlook website provides a detailed look at job prospects in these fields.

What happens if I fail a unit or an assessment event? What is TAFE Digital's re-submission policy?

Your teacher/assessor will provide feedback on your assessment event and will let you know if you have met the requirements. If you have not met the requirements, you will have one extra attempt to resubmit your assessment and get it to the required standard to become competent in this unit. If you do not succeed in your second attempt a fee may be charged for an assessor to mark your third submission.

Can I transfer to a campus class if I struggle online?

Before considering a change it is best to discuss your options with TAFE Digital's Educational Support Officers who may be able to arrange additional support for your studies. If your course is available at an TAFE NSW campus you may be able to transfer. Please contact the customer contact centre.

How much time should I study this course for each week (on average) to complete in the required time?

You have up to 12 months to complete this course. This course will take around 15 hours a week of study and work placement based on 48 weeks of participation. If you have industry, experience and knowledge may find you complete more rapidly. As you are studying flexibly, this is a guide only and you should use your course study planner to plan your studies in more detail.

If I do a course with TAFE Digital, can I get an extension on my visa?

You must apply for a visa extension directly with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. TAFE Digital can provide you with a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) once you've enrolled in a course as proof of your student status, but is unable to assist with your visa application.

I'm currently living overseas, is it okay for me to do this course?

Not usually. It will be very difficult to monitor your work experience, but please call us to discuss this aspect.

What if English is not my first language?

If English is not your first language and you did not complete the last two years of secondary education in English, you are required to provide evidence of English language competency before enrolling into the course. Examples of appropriate evidence are listed below:

  • IELTS - Overall score of 5.5
  • TOEFL - One of the following:
    • 530 (paper)
    • 197 (computer)
    • 71 (internet)
  • Evidence of 12 months in English-speaking employment - Testimonial or statutory declaration

Do I have to pay the cost of my course in full when I enrol?

At TAFE NSW, TAFE Digital we accept a range of convenient payment methods for paying course fees. These include up front payment (or paying the course in-full), payment plans, deferred payments or third party payment. The amount you pay might be reduced if you are eligible for a subsidised place.

For more detailed information please visit the TAFE NSW, TAFE Digital payment options page.

What fee payment options are used to pay for a course?

TAFE NSW North Coast does not accept cash payments, however you can pay your course fees and other enrolment related charges by:

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • A completed Authority to Invoice from your employer or job provider (if applicable)

How do I pay for my course?

When you have to make a payment will depend on how you have chosen to pay your course fees. To confirm your place in a course, you must pay a deposit. The amount that you pay will depend on the length of your course.

If you are studying a course at Diploma level, you may be eligible for a VET Student Loan. You may also qualify for an exemption, which means you don't pay any fees.

If you are choosing a payment plan, you will need to agree to a Westpac Direct Debit Plan and provide your credit card details or bank account number. We will debit regular payments from your account/credit card to make sure payment for your course fees are up to date.

To find out more about the different payment options available to you, please visit the TAFE NSW, TAFE Digital payment options page

Does TAFE NSW, TAFE Digital have a Fee and refund policy?

TAFE NSW, TAFE Digital has a new Refund Policy which is effective from 1 November 2017. This policy applies to Student Fees, Concession Fees and Additional Costs and other charges paid by TAFE NSW students and refunds of those fees, costs and charges.

TAFE NSW students may, in certain circumstances, be eligible for a refund or partial refund of the Student Fee, Concession Fee or Additional Costs paid to TAFE NSW. The circumstances where a refund may apply are:

  1. If TAFE NSW cancels the delivery of training, the Student Fee or Concession Fee will be refunded;
  2. If TAFE NSW cancels the delivery of training, the Additional Costs, where the equipment or services purchased have not been used/accessed and are returned to TAFE NSW, will be refunded;
  3. If the student makes a payment more than the Student Fee or Concession Fee, including where the student is determined to be eligible for a Fee Exemption or Concession Fee after such payment, the amount overpaid will be refunded;
  4. For subsidised training, if the student formally withdraws before the commencement of training delivery or classes, then the Student Fee or the Concession Fee paid at enrolment will be refunded;
  5. For Fee for Service training, where the student formally withdraws before the commencement of training, and the training is
    • less than one (1) week duration, the student must formally withdraw five (5) business days before commencement of training to be eligible for a refund;
    • greater than one (1) week duration, then the Student Fee will be refunded;
  6. If the student withdraws after the commencement of training delivery or classes,
    • the instalment fees paid and due at the date of withdrawal from training are non-refundable;
    • a partial refund will be available where the student has made fee payment/s against future-dated instalments due after the date of withdrawal.

If you would like to know more about our Fees and Refund policy please visit the TAFE NSW, TAFE Digital fees and refund policy page.

How can I access the TAFE Student Guide and the student rights and responsibilities?

Course Fees

Concession Fee


More Information

This training is subsidised by the NSW Government and eligibility criteria apply.
There may be limited government-subsidised places available.
You need to live or work in NSW and receive one or more of the following eligible Commonwealth benefits or allowances at the time you enrol.

You may be eligible if you receive:

  • Age Pension
  • Austudy
  • Carer Payment
  • Disability Support Pension (second or subsequent course enrolment per year)
  • Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment
  • Family Tax Benefit Part A (maximum rate)
  • Farm Household Allowance
  • Newstart Allowance
  • Parenting Payment (Single)
  • Sickness Allowance
  • Special Benefit
  • Veterans' Affairs Payments
  • Veterans' Children Education Scheme
  • Widow Allowance
  • Widow Pension (including Widow 'B' Pension)
  • Wife Pension
  • Youth Allowance

To complete your enrolment, you must provide your Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) so that your eligibility for a concession can be validated. In some circumstances, you may need to fill in the Concession Fee application or provide documentation to support your application. (Your documentation may be provided via the Centrelink Express Plus Mobile App.)

Contact us:

  • to find out if you are eligible for a concession fee.
  • for a personal fee assessment.
  • to discuss payment options and loans available to you.

Course prices, charges, and study modes are subject to change without notice and may vary annually.

Subsidised Student Fee

$1120.00 - $1340.00

More Information

This training is subsidised by the NSW Government and eligibility criteria apply.
The fee you pay will vary depending on your personal circumstances and eligibility for a subsidised place, a Fee-Free Scholarship, a concession or an exemption.
There may be limited government-subsidised places available.
If you do not gain a subsidised place, you may be able to enrol and pay the full fee.

Contact us:

  • to find out if you are eligible for a subsidised place.
  • for a personal fee assessment.
  • to discuss payment options and loans available to you.

Course prices, charges, and study modes are subject to change without notice and may vary annually.

Fee Free Scholarship


More Information

The NSW Government is offering Fee-Free Scholarships to support people aged 15 - 30 with their training under Smart and Skilled.

Eligible students will be exempt from paying their course fee for qualifications from Certificate I to Certificate IV, including apprenticeship and traineeships courses with up to 50,000 scholarships per year across NSW.

You may be eligible if you:

  • meet the Smart and Skilled personal and program eligibility rules. Find out using the Eligibility Checker.
  • are aged between 15 and 30 years old when you start training.
  • want to study a Smart and Skilled subsidised Certificate I, Certificate II, Certificate III or Certificate IV level qualification on the NSW Skills List, including those qualifications that support apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • are either a Commonwealth Welfare recipient, a dependent of a Commonwealth Welfare recipient OR either currently or previously in out-of-home care.

Contact us:

  • to find out if you are eligible for a Fee-Free Scholarship.
  • for a personal fee assessment.
  • to discuss payment options and loans available to you for any other course costs.

Course prices, charges, and study modes are subject to change without notice and may vary annually.



More Information

An exemption is where no course fee is charged to the student. For exemptions, the government-subsidises the total cost of the course fee for the qualification. There may be other additional costs, such as textbooks that you need to pay.

You may be eligible for an exemption from the course fee if you:

  • are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (through descent, self-identification or community identification).
  • meet the Smart and Skilled disability criteria, (proof of a disability support pension or documentary evidence from an appropriate medical professional is required).
  • are the recognised dependent of disability support pension recipient.

Contact us:

  • to find out if you are eligible for a course fee exemption.
  • for a personal fee assessment.
  • to discuss payment options and loans available to you for any additional costs.

Course prices, charges, and study modes are subject to change without notice and may vary annually.

Fee for Service


More Information

There are no fee exemptions, concessions or subsidies available for this price. You are required to contribute to the full cost of your course. Your tuition fee includes all essential study materials.
Extra study resources may be available to enhance your learning and will attract an additional charge.
You may also be eligible for a VET Student Loan for some Diploma and Advanced Diploma level courses.
Contact us:

  • for a personal fee assessment.
  • to discuss payment options and loans available to you.

Course prices, charges, and study modes are subject to change without notice and may vary annually.

Your government subsidised fee, and your eligibility for concessions, exemptions and scholarships, are all calculated and confirmed during the enrolment process. The 2017 subsidised fees indicated on this page are indicative only and based on 2016 fees. The state government may make some small changes to fees and subsidies for 2017 enrolments and we will update our site if and when that happens.

Industry Insights


Estimated Employment in the Pet Care Industry - 2009

Industry Area Estimated Employees
Pet Food Manufacturing 4,543
Pet Care Products 16,147
Veterinary Services 20,600
Pet Care Services 6,337
TOTAL 47,627

Australian Pet Population - 2009

Pet Type Number of Pets
Dogs 3,405,000
Cats 2,350,000
Fish 18,397,000
Birds 8,100,000
Other 1,060,000
TOTAL 33,312,000

Source: 'Australian Companion Animal Council 2010 Report' Animal Health Alliance

"The online mode of study fitted my lifestyle perfectly because it allowed me to complete the course modules at my own pace (at any time of day) and to organise my assessments around other commitments like work and travel."

Kate Hewson

Kate Hewson Past Student

At a glance

Course Code: ACM20117
Course Duration: 12 months
Units: 12
Recognition: Nationally
Cost: $4,110
(Do you qualify for a discount?)

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Richmond Animal Care Moodle 2


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