Is It Ok to Give Nipple to Baby

When can I brainstorm using a pacifier?

It is recommended that pacifiers and other types of artificial nipples be avoided for at least the first three-4 weeks. I'd personally suggest that most breastfed babies – if they get a pacifier at all – would be better off without a pacifier until mom's milk supply is well established (6-8 weeks, usually) and the 6 week growth spurt is over. That way you've established a good milk supply and don't lose whatsoever much-needed chest stimulation to a pacifier.

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flickr CC ff137

What should I consider before using a pacifier?

Afterwards the early weeks, pacifier use is less likely to crusade issues as long as you are aware of the post-obit:


  • Never substitute a pacifier for a feeding at the breast or try to hold the baby off longer betwixt feedings with one. (See Should baby exist on a schedule?)
  • In that location are studies that indicate that babies who take a pacifier tend to wean earlier than those who do not. This is most likely because as a baby gets older – one time he'due south established on solid food – information technology is oft his want to suck that ensures he continues to seek out the chest oftentimes. Babies who use pacifiers are getting that need to suck met with something other than the breast, and therefore may make up one's mind to give up breastfeeding sooner than if they did non take a pacifier.
  • Some babies who accept pacifiers are more prone to oral yeast (thrush) which can exist transferred to mom'due south nipples.
  • A number of studies have shown a link between pacifier use and an increased incidence of ear infections.
  • Pacifiers can result in choking or strangulation if the pacifier breaks or if it is tied around the neck (which it never should be). Follow all rubber guidelines and go along an heart out for the many pacifier safety recalls. Also, keep in listen that latex allergy is becoming an increasing trouble – consider using a silicone pacifier rather than latex.
  • Prolonged pacifier use can consequence in teeth misalignment, and can also occasionally lead to shaping of the soft palate or spoken language issues.
  • Giving babe a pacifier will increase mom'south chances of ovulating and getting pregnant. Exclusive breastfeeding, depending upon your breastfeeding frequency and other factors, is a method of birth control that can exist more than 98% effective during the first 6 months and 94% effective during the second six months. Ensuring that all of baby's sucking needs are met at the chest increases the effectiveness of this method of contraception.

 When to avert the pacifier

If you lot observe any of the post-obit bug, it would exist a good idea to discontinue pacifier utilise, at least until the problem is resolved:

  • Pacifier use reduces your baby'due south frequency or elapsing of feeds (newborns should be nursing at least 8 to 12 times a day).
  • Baby is having difficulties nursing well (this may be due to nipple defoliation).
  • Baby is having problems with weight gain (in which case baby needs to nurse equally oftentimes every bit possible).
  • Mom is having problems with sore nipples (baby may be causing this due to nipple defoliation)
  • Mom is having milk supply problems (in which case she needs to put baby to breast, not pacifier, at every opportunity in society to increase milk supply).
  • Mom and/or baby have thrush, particularly if it'south hard to get rid of or repeated.
  • Baby is having repeated ear infections (an increased incidence of ear infections has been linked to pacifier use).

 Can pacifiers aid prevent SIDS?

Have y'all heard that pacifier utilise might help to prevent SIDS? Hither'due south what the American University of Pediatrics Section on Breastfeeding says almost this in their Feb 2012 Policy Statement:

Given the documentation that early apply of pacifiers may be associated with less successful breastfeeding, pacifier use in the neonatal catamenia should be limited to specific medical situations. These include uses for hurting relief, as a calming agent, or equally part of structured plan for enhancing oral motor role. Because pacifier utilize has been associated with a reduction in SIDS incidence, mothers of good for you term infants should exist instructed to use pacifiers at babe nap or sleep time later on breastfeeding is well established, at approximately iii to 4 weeks of age.

 In conclusion…

As long as yous keep the above in mind and simply use a pacifier sparingly, information technology is upward to you whether and when you wish to condolement baby yourself or with a pacifier. However, keep in mind that there is no scientific show that suggests that babies accept a need to suck independant of the need for food. When a baby is indicating a sucking demand, it'due south generally best that baby be encouraged to breastfeed, specially if in that location is a weight gain concern. The breast was the first pacifier and in nearly cases remains the best.

 More than data

Is your baby nursing all the fourth dimension? @

Pacifiers past Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC

Pacifiers: In or Out? and Giving a pacifier to a breastfed infant by Dr. William and Martha Sears

Superlative Ten Reasons for NOT Using a Pacifier past Linda J. Smith, IBCLC

Perils of the Pacifier by Bruce A. Epstein, Dr.

AAP Guide to Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers (including safety guidelines)

Nipple Confusion from

The Truth Virtually "Nipple Confusion" by Paula Yount

Introducing Bottles and Pacifiers to a Breastfed Baby by Anne Smith

Dealing with Nipple Confusion from Breastfeeding and the Working Mother by Cecilia Mitchell Miller

The Pitfalls of Supplementing a Breastfed Baby by Cheryl Taylor White

Tardily Nipple Confusion by Carrie Ganz, from NEW Ancestry, Vol. 16 No. 2, March-April 1999, p. 43.

Nursing Through Defoliation by Olga Apr (a mom's story)

 Some Journal Articles on Pacifier Utilize and Breastfeeding

Kair LR,Kenron D,Etheredge K,Jaffe Air-conditioning,Phillipi CA. Pacifier Restriction and Sectional Breastfeeding. Pediatrics. 2013 April; 131(iv).

Howard CR, Howard FM, Lanphear B, Eberly S, deBlieck EA, Oakes D, Lawrence RA. Randomized clinical trial of pacifier use and bottle-feeding or cupfeeding and their effect on breastfeeding. Pediatrics. 2003 Mar;111(iii):511-8.

AM Vogel, BL Hutchison and EA Mitchell. The touch on of pacifier employ on breastfeeding: A prospective cohort study. J Paediatr Kid Wellness 2001;February;37(1):58-63.

Wojdan-Godek East, Mikiel-Kostyra Thousand, Mazur J. Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding of infants in Poland. Med Wieku Rozwoj 2000;4(3 Suppl ane):fifteen-24.

Aarts, C., Hörnell, A., Kylberg, E., Hofvander, Y., Gebre-Medhin, K. Breastfeeding Patterns in Relation to Pollex Sucking and Pacifier Use. Pediatrics 1999;104: 50e.

Cynthia R. Howard, Fred M. Howard, Bruce Lanphear, Elisabeth A. deBlieck, Shirley Eberly, and Ruth A. Lawrence. The Furnishings of Early on Pacifier Use on Breastfeeding Duration. Pediatrics 1999;103: e33.

Riva E, Banderali G, Agostoni C, Silano M, Radaelli G, Giovannini M. Factors associated with initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Italy. Acta Paediatr. 1999 April;88(4):411-5.

Hornell A, Aarts C, Kylberg Due east, Hofvander Y, Gebre-Medhin 1000. Breastfeeding patterns in exclusively breastfed infants: a longitudinal prospective study in Uppsala, Sweden. Acta Paediatr 1999 Feb;88(2):203-11.

Righard Fifty. Are breastfeeding problems related to incorrect breastfeeding technique and the use of pacifiers and bottles? Birth 1998 Mar;25(i):40-4.

Righard L, Alade MO. Breastfeeding and the utilize of pacifiers. Birth 1997 Jun;24(two):116-xx.

Cesar Gomes Victora, Dominique Pareja Behague, Fernando Celso Barros, Maria Teresa Anselmo Olinto, and Elizabeth Weiderpass. Pacifier Utilise and Short Breastfeeding Duration: Cause, Event, or Coincidence? Pediatrics 1997;99: 445-453.

FC Barros, CG Victora, TC Semer, S Tonioli Filho, E Tomasi, and E Weiderpass.
Apply of pacifiers is associated with decreased breast-feeding duration. Pediatrics 1995;95: 497-499.

 Some Journal Articles on Pacifier Apply in General

Warren JJ, Levy SM, Kirchner HL, Nowak AJ, Bergus GR. Pacifier use and the occurrence of otitis media in the outset twelvemonth of life. Pediatr Dent. 2001 Mar-Apr;23(ii):103-7.

Larsson E. Sucking, chewing, and feeding habits and the evolution of crossbite: a longitudinal study of girls from birth to three years of historic period. Angle Orthod. 2001 Apr;71(ii):116-9.

Martinez Sanchez Fifty, Diaz Gonzalez E, GarciaTornel Florensa S, Gaspa Marti J. Pacifier apply. risks and benefits. An Esp Pediatr. 2000;53(6):580-five.

Marjo Niemelä, Outi Pihakari, Tytti Pokka, Marja Uhari, and Matti Uhari. Pacifier every bit a Risk Cistron for Acute Otitis Media: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Parental Counseling. Pediatrics 2000;106: 483-488. A Finnish report on pacifiers has establish that reduced pacifier use in children can decrease the incidence of astute otitis media, or ear infections. The study, published in the September issue of Pediatrics, the journal of the American University of Pediatrics, followed two groups of children under xviii months. In 1 group, pacifier use was decreased by 21 percent, while children in the second group used pacifiers continuously. The first group had a 29 percent lower incidence of acute otitis media than the second. Researchers concluded that restricting pacifier use to when a kid is falling asleep could prevent such infections.

Fleming, P. J, Blair, P. S, Pollard, Yard., Platt, M. Westward., Leach, C., Smith, I., Drupe, P J, Golding, J., the CESDI SUDI Inquiry Team. Pacifier utilise and sudden infant decease syndrome: results from the CESDI/SUDI example control study. Arch. Dis. Kid. 1999;81: 112-116.

Kate North, Peter Fleming, Jean Golding, and the ALSPAC Written report Team. Pacifier Utilise and Morbidity in the Commencement Half dozen Months of Life. Pediatrics 1999;103: e34.

Ollila P, Niemela M, Uhari K, Larmas M. Prolonged pacifier-sucking and use of a nursing bottle at night: possible risk factors for dental caries in children. Acta Odontol Scand 1998 Aug;56(iv):233-seven.

Jackson JM, Mourino AP. Pacifier utilize and otitis media in infants twelve months of age or younger. Pediatr Paring. 1999 Jul-Aug;21(4):255-60.

Uhari Thou, Mantysaari Thou, Niemela Thousand. A meta-analytic review of the risk factors for acute otitis media. Clin Infect Dis 1996 Jun;22(6):1079-83.

One thousand Niemela, M Uhari, and M Mottonen. A pacifier increases the gamble of recurrent astute otitis media in children in mean solar day care centers. Pediatrics 1995;96: 884-888.

Darwazeh AM, al-Bashir A. Oral candidal flora in healthy infants. J Oral Pathol Med 1995 Sep;24(8):361-4.

Is It Ok to Give Nipple to Baby


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