Will Dark Ritual Ever Be in Standard Again
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Would R&D ever reprint Dark Ritual in Red?
Source: https://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/magic-fundamentals/magic-general/318807-would-r-d-ever-reprint-dark-ritual-in-red
#1 Dec 20, 2008
Ritual-type effects have been in red's slice of the pie for quite some time. Many are functionally quite similar to Dark Ritual, in that they net you 2 more mana than you spent to cast the spell, for example: Seething Song, or your second Rite of Flame.
Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), a direct reprint of Dark Ritual in red has yet to happen. Dark Ritual isn't really played in Vintage, and it is played in only a small percentage of Legacy decks. Seething Song is probably seeing more play in Legacy, in Demigod or Dragon Stompy decks.
Do you think we'll ever see a red dark ritual?
Red Ritual R
Add R R R to your mana pool.
What about if it was reprinted as a sorcery?
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#2 Dec 20, 2008
All we can do is hope.
I'd like it but it seems doubtful with Rite of Flame.
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#3 Dec 20, 2008
I doubt it. Rite of Flame seems strong enough, and I don't think they'd want to print anything of that sort again, especially while Rite is still in extended.
Seething song is much safer because it requires three to start with, though still only netter you two mana.
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#4 Dec 20, 2008
First-turn RRRRR (Red Dark Rit --> Seething Song) seems a bit much.
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#5 Dec 21, 2008
First turn demigod anyone?
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#8 Dec 21, 2008
As a ritual, a damage drawback would not be a drawback at all. Even something like r sorcery add rrr to your mana pool and lose five life would seem pretty powerful.
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#9 Dec 21, 2008
Turn 1
1.) Mountain
2.) "Red Ritual" R R R floating
3.) "Red Ritual" R R R R Rfloating
4.) Seething Song R R R R R R Rfloating
5.) Seething Song R R R R R R R R R
6.) Dragonstorm for 6 dragons
Now yeah, that seems like a pretty lucky hand, but keep in mind that that deck could be running 4x Rite of Flame 4x "Red Ritual" and 4x Seething Song and as long as you had a combination of the first two with some songs and a D-Storm, or even a big dragon you'd probably be good to go...the question is...does a situation like that warrant not printing a card? I don't know...
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#10 Dec 22, 2008
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#11 Dec 22, 2008
The difference is Desperate Ritual costs 2 and nets you 1 mana.
Dark Ritual costs 1 and nets you 2 mana.
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#12 Dec 22, 2008
Um, Desperate Ritual does not equal Dark Ritual, I'd say it's more of a Cabal Ritual replacement.
On one hand I think that having 8 one mana rituals in eternal formats could be very very bad. On the other hand, R is not nearly as useful as B. I think the threat of
brokenmore broken storm decks will keep WotC from reprinting Dark Ritual in red.Rollback Post to Revision RollBack
#13 Dec 22, 2008
I think the fact that the almost strictly inferior (better off Mind's Desire) Seething Song caused power-level issues when it was legal in Standard will stop a Red Dark Ritual from ever existing.
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#14 Dec 22, 2008
Not to mention the way that Dragonstorm.dec could get draws that 'just won' due to Rite of Flame, which was a weaker Ritual replacement in red.
A hand with any 4 of Rite and Seething Song, plus D-storm, was almost guaranteed to win on turn 2 and there was almost SFA an opponent could do to stop you. (4 Songs of course couldn't win T2, but if you played 4 Song and 4 Rite and drew a 4-Ritual hand, it was only a 1/70 chance they were all Songs).
Those hands seldom are drawn, but it's a bad mechanic that adds that degree of luck to Magic.
Another factor with Ritual was that it really caused black creatures to be weakened. Hypnotic Specter was broken in the 4th ed Standard format (now it's very very seldom played). Quality black creatures were extremely rare, because of the luck factor Ritual provided.
Folks no doubt remember turn 1 Slith Firewalkers causing problems in Standard. Imagine how much worse it'd be to often face turn 1 Countryside Crushers (and TBH, that's a strong enough play to go 'all-in' on when you have few other lands; much as a turn 1 Phyrexian Negator was often strong back in the day as an 'I'm all-in' play.
IMO we're more likely to see Counterspell reprinted than a red Ritual.
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#15 Dec 22, 2008
I don't think we will see an exact copy of Dark Ritual in red, but I think there is room for a card that is between Dark Rit and Desperate Rit in power level. Probably not in the foreseeable future, though.
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#16 Dec 22, 2008
I believe that card was rite of flame.
I don't think I'd mind seeing cabal ritual done as a red card. Cabal ritual seemed quite fair to me.
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#17 Dec 22, 2008
Oh absolutely. I was more just pointing out that red has already had rituals and that they are not as powerful as the black ones.
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#18 Dec 22, 2008
I wonder if they would have made a straight red Dark Ritual in Planar Chaos if not for Rite of Flame. Actually, I rather doubt they wouldn't have thought of doing just that (we do know that they considered red High Tide), so things aren't looking good. Either they felt that putting Rite of Flame into Coldsnap would be more important than planeshifting Dark Ritual to red, or they felt that red Ritual would be too strong in that specific environment while Rite of Flame wouldn't be, or they felt red Ritual was too powerful period. Of those, the last seems most likely.
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#19 Dec 22, 2008
To be honest, I would much prefer something that has a lower net gain with a cantrip involved. CC 3, add RRRR, draw a card. I thing it would be a good balance...costs more for less of a net gain...but at the same time has that cantrip there to help feed a quickly burned red hand.
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And you, too, are one of us, and yet you are not. In your words I hear anger, hatred. I see a darkness that is not cold and lifeless, but is alive and moving, like a living entity. I feel caged, trapped, a yearning for escape. --Death Gate Cycle Volume 3: Fire Sea
#20 Dec 23, 2008
I hope not as that may have huge implications on legacy. I could see that pushing 1 or 2 land belcher into territory i'd rather not see it go.
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